Pesky Squirrels

Pesky Squirrels


We have a 2½-story house that has been vinyl sided. Squirrels have climbed the siding on a bay window section and chewed through the corner strips twice. We replaced them, but it happened a third time. This time, the squirrel chewed along the siding panels next to the corner strips. How do I stop the damage? I tried sprays and considered a trap.


If it is one critter, you probably have little choice but to capture and kill it. He might also quit with the approaching nice weather. Try again with repellents. Animal urine often is a deterrent. Also, consider building a sturdy metal frame covered with hardware cloth (1/4 or 1/3 inch steel mesh) to keep him from the target areas. Or, call Nixalite of America, which builds needle boards to deter birds and other invasive critters.
