What’s the Fate of a Weathered Slate Roof?


I have a slate roof that is probably approaching 100 years old. I had one roofer tell me it is at the end of its life and should be replaced with asphalt. The cost to repair the area affected is $4,000. Full replacement is $13,000. Winter was rough on the roof because snow that usually avalanches off stayed on and chipped some of the slate. I will be getting a few more estimates. Can you give me some suggestions of questions to ask to determine whether the best investment is to go asphalt? I am retired and hope to stay in the house for at least five to 10 years. My slate is gray, not real thick, and may be Vermont.


Average thickness for slate is 1/4 to 3/8 of an inch. Also, Vermont slate is considered top grade. I suggest you get another opinion. Cost to repair what? Replacement of what? A few chips is not necessarily critical to a roof. Replacement is to take off slate and put in asphalt? If so, pretty expensive. Again, get a second opinion. That slate may be good for another 100 years.
